Rainbow Six Siege Operation Shadow Legacy is now on the Test Server. In conclusion, the new sensitivity system is sick, and is actually incredibly useful if you know what you’re doing. So setting them to the same value, will make them the same Focal Point and in turn, maintain muscle memory. This looks un-intuitive, but remember, the game automatically adjusts the sensitives for Focal Point at 50 ADS, meaning they always scale proportionally. If I want my 1x and 1.5x to feel the same, I’d set them both to 35. If I want my 2.0x and my 2.5x to feel the same, I’d set them both to 60. Find both of those values, and copy them across to every sight you’d like to feel the same. I confirmed this using ‘s calculator as well which has been updated to accompany the new test server’s system.Īnd that’s all you need to do. Well, you’re gonna need to do a little maths, but, I have a handy table to help you. How do we use it to get our old sensitivities back? However, as most players likely didn’t use monitor distance 1:1 previously, and have no intention of starting. So as you increase magnification, it scales proportionally and you in turn, maintain absolute muscle memory across absolutely everything. What this does, is it actually, by default, makes EVERY sight 1:1 by Monitor Distance compared to your Hipfire, so every sensitivity translates from the Hipfire’d sensitivity. Well, the technical best way to use the new system, is to keep it at 50 ADS on standard. And with 90% of engagements being over between first and third shot, i prefeer acog were i can actually see the head :pĪlso imo its rare that you are looking for enemys across the whole screen, most of the time you know aproximatly were enemys are.You can find more information about the new system here. And with 1x im looking for a 4 pixel head moving, bobbing up n down and leanspamming side to side. Idk, most engagement i have are probably beyond 10 m. It's just basically believing in a myth just because it's what the "pros" use. Defenders with ACOG generally use it for running out and spawnpeeking, but otherwise they can't react as fast whenever they get rushed up close. Rushing with ACOG isn't helpful or fast compared to a reflex, but Ash mains are still mad over losing it. I get the point of using these sights but it's true that 90% of firefights take place less than 10 meters.

Then there's the regular red dots sights which give a better peripheral sight and faster targeting. The most ideal usage of ACOG is for longer range engagements and zoom at the cost of ADS speed and limited view. Originally posted by Waffle-SS:You would see most people using the ACOG as a crutch to "aim" for headshots even though they usually just spray.